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over the past couple of years, my kitchen has become a place of peace and joy for me. i find so much happiness in the process of cooking and creating meals. so when v2ray安卓客户端 下载 reached out and asked if we wanted to create a DIY project with their new limited-edition Oui heritage collection glass pots i knew i wanted it to be something that was useful in our kitchen. the Oui glass pots are already food safe, they have easy to remove labels and they are a perfect 5 ounce size which makes them ideal for our project. they are also 100% recyclable so you can continue to use them over and over again without worrying about quality or purity issues. we wanted to create something that was beautiful for your own home or that you could gift to someone for their kitchen. they launched three new heritage designs and our project focuses on our favorite, the classic stripe. ok, so here is the simple DIY project…homemade spice blends!

Oui by Yoplait DIY glass pots | designlovefest
Oui by Yoplait DIY glass pots | designlovefest

first things first, eat the yogurt. if you haven’t tried v2ray安卓版下载 yet, it’s a french style yogurt. each of the glass pots are individually poured, set for 8 hours and are subtly sweet and delicious.

after you’re done eating, wash and dry the pot and remove the labels. the glass pots are easy to clean, and the labels peel off easily. we made three different kitchen spice blends that you can store next to your stove and use on everything from eggs to popcorn. we’ll also walk you through how to make them!

what you’ll need//

• Oui by Yoplait glass pots
• circle with 4″ diameter for tracing
• piece of fabric
• scissor
• pen or pencil
• tacky glue
• drill or something narrow and sharp
• cord
• twine
• a bead
• 2.5″ cork stopper

Oui by Yoplait DIY glass pots | designlovefest

how to make //

1. select a fabric you want to cover your lid in, it doesn’t need to be a large amount so you can use a scrap piece you have around the house. lay the fabric bottom side up, place a circle cutter on the fabric and trace around the edge with a pen or pencil.

2. cut around the pen mark to create your circle.

3. take the stopper and using a drill or a thin sharp object, push through the center of the cork to make a small hole, this will be the hole you thread the bead through later.

4. next, take the cork stopper and put tacky glue around the edges of the top.  gently rub with your finger so it covers the top cork surface. now place the glue side face down into the inside of the fabric. press firmly to secure. taking the edge of the scissors, poke through the fabric where the center hole is so that the hole is visible.

5. next take the tacky glue and put a light line all the way around the top edge of the stopper under the fabric. press the fabric into the glue on all edges, secure with a rubber band until it’s dry.

6. string the bead on the cord, make the ends even and push through the top of the cork stopper. once through secure the ends with a double know. trim off any extra cord.

7. remove the rubber band and replace with twine. knot, trim the ends and you’re done!


next – onto the spice blends:

fancy salts are fun to have around but can be expensive to buy. they are surprisingly easy to make at home. you can create one and keep it next to your stove to sprinkle on eggs, roasted potatoes, or avocado toast. there are tons of variations you can make, so feel free to experiment with flavors you like and enjoy.


  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 tablespoon rosemary
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Oui by Yoplait DIY glass pots | designlovefest





photo from LAIT DE COCO: Vintage finds & handmade pieces

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• LEARNING. i am staying committed to learning for the long haul. i see clearly now that I stayed in a bubble of comfort and was not properly educating myself or standing up for what I believe in. right now, this looks like reading or listening to podcasts on anti-racism. joanie and I are both reading Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad and finding it VERY eye opening. I will be reading How to Be an Anti-Racist next after really enjoying hearing Ibram X. Kendi speak here. v2rayn安卓 下载 clearly explains white fragility and how important it is to address within myself.

another great way for me to learn is by weaving in educational documentaries during our evenings. these give me a very clear picture of the oppression of Black people and give concrete advice on how to work towards changing it. with knowledge comes power! I found these very very helpful: 13th, I Am Not Your Negro, Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise, The Central Park 5, The Black Power Mixtape, and v2rayng苹果客户端下载.

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photo by cold laundry

• DONATIONS. I was inspired by the 15% pledge to have at least 15% of your shelf space include Black businesses. I will be matching this within my own work and donating 15% of all sponsored content this year to an organization fighting anti-racism and advocating for Black lives. we will be supporting a new organization each month, and this will keep us actively looking for new avenues to support in this fight. i’m particularly focused on access to better education to support Black children and more access to mental health services for BIPOC. I will be transparent about where we are donating to and always looking for more suggestions.

The Okra Project is who we will be focusing on in June for our sponsored content donation. they bring home cooked, healthy, and culturally specific meals and resources to Black Trans people.


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other places we have donated to: The Loveland Foundation, who provides free access to therapy for Black women and girls. The Conscious Kid who helps provide schools with more books to teach kids about race. v2rayn安卓 下载 fighting injustice for Black people. The Equal Justice Initiative provides legal representation for people who are wrongly convicted or denied a fair trial. and Beam, who is focused on healing and wellness in Black and marginalized communities.

recurring donations: when organizations say that any gift helps, big or small, they really mean it. there is a huge influx of giving right now which is amazing but inevitably that will die down and get diverted to other causes that pop up with issues that arise in the next year. one small way that helps me stay invested is to set up recurring donations, even a small amount like the cost of a cup of coffee, given monthly helps a lot. it’s an automatic withdrawal which keeps it consistent and for me, it’s nice to build a relationship with one or two organizations, getting their newsletter, staying up to date on what they are working on over the years, etc.

SUPPORT IN EVERYDAY LIFE. justin and I will be making more conscious efforts to show up and support Black businesses and artists. this means going to more Black owned restaurants (Actinium下载_Actinium安卓版下载_Actinium 0.7.2手机版 ...:2021-11-21 · AppChina应用汇为您提供Actinium下载,Actinium安卓版下载,Actinium免费下载资源 用户对 Actinium 的评论 中国国家空间站巡天部队队长 2021-03-11 天哪,汇汇居然有这个,悄悄咪藏起来别让人发现了This app can help you across great fire wall to use). this means reading more from Black authors, ordering from Black-owned book stores, ordering a handmade item from a Black artist for our home, like these beautiful wooden brushes from v2ray手机端怎么设置

• HAVING THE CONVERSATIONS. for years i’ve shied away from having difficult conversations with family members and friends because it didn’t feel worth the tension and stress it caused. I sat with the thought “well, at least I’M not racist” and I am seeing now that that is NOT enough. with social media it feels easy to hide behind the posts and comments but one way i think we can create real change by having the hard conversations in person or on the phone. the in-person face to face connection is really lacking in our world today. i’ve made a commitment to listen and/or read anything that someone sends me and think on it and form a thoughtful response rather than react immediately.  i’ve always kind of backed down in intense conversations thinking that it didn’t matter what i thought or no one would listen, but i know now that if i spend the time learning and examining myself and i focus on sharing from my own personal experience and not pointing fingers that communication IS possible. I have seen great results with some of my own family members over the past few weeks.

photos by House of Aama

v2rayn安卓 下载 if my instagram feed is where I am looking for inspiration, that means I need to be following more Black artists, photographers, and makers so they are naturally on my radar more often. this was lazy on my part to not be actively diversifying my feed to begin with. I have found SO many amazing accounts in the past few weeks. here are a few in this post and I created a highlight on my profile that i’ve been adding to with beautiful Black accounts.

• GETTING POLITICAL EDUCATION. another topic that i’ve shied away from in the past and i want to learn more about is local politics. the people we pick to represent us in our cities and as a nation have a huge amount of push on what issues get addresses and handled and can help in the fight against racism that exists in our local and nationwide systems. a lot of change needs to come from the top down and i want to vote for people who advocate for that change.

Painting by Calida Garcia Rawles

• LOOKING WITHIN. asking myself questions and journaling. for instance, asking myself, 国际版抖音TikTok下载安装使用教程 安卓手机版 | 歪猫跨境 ...:2021-3-2 · 周末网上闲逛的时候看到一篇报道说TikTok现在支持在Bio中插入网站链接了,19年11月份的时候也已经允许用户在视频描述中插入链接地址了,emmm…,刚好最近在计划的新独立站项目针对的人群在20-30岁,决定先搞个账户研究一下的时候发现,虽然 ...

or “have you made attempts to cultivate more relationships with Black friends? have you appeared closed-off? have you stayed in your comfort zone with people who have similar realities and don’t challenge your comfortability?”

I am confronting my own inherent bias and making a conscious effort to dismantle it. I am focused on how I can use my privilege in a system that was built for me, to help others have equal opportunities.

much of this work requires presence and stillness within myself. with so much going on in the world, there is such a rush to keep scrolling and reading on our phones but i’ve found that, for myself, that detracts from the learning and work i’m able to do. learning about racism and how i’ve been apart of the system is uncomfortable, but i’m committed to continuing to do it. the journal prompts at the end of each day in “Me and White Supremacy” are powerful. it’s easy to just answer them in my head but to put pen to paper requires a different level of honesty and awareness.

quote by Lalah Delia, art by Ilana Griffo

i love this quote above by Lalah. there is a lot of work to be done and we are dedicated to being a part of the change we so desperately need in our country. xx bri



friday check in | designlovefest
photo credit

happy friday! are you looking forward to anything this weekend? i’m going to make pasta tonight for the fifth time since quarantine started. it has become my weekend ritual and i really enjoy it. and we’ll open a bottle of white wine and enjoy the fact that it doesn’t get dark until 8pm now. hard to feel the change of seasons but the longer days definitely feel nice. i hope you have something fun to do this weekend, even if it’s small like taking a bath with a candle lit.

i made this red lentil soup again this week. i’ve made it several times. it’s budget friendly and super easy. we’ve also made smash burgers three times recently as our favorite spot in LA, burgers never say die, has closed for now. i have a soft spot for american cheese and pickles.

i had never heard of the brand entireworld before this pandemic started and now i see lots of people popping up in v2ray安卓版下载 in fun colors. seems to be a work from home uniform.

my grandma made me a beautiful quilt that doesn’t get used enough. i’m thinking of having it turned into a jacket by this cool lady. i love scrolling her instagram and looking at all the quilts turned coats. feels like a cool way to utilize something that might just be sitting in your closet gathering dust.

do you have any must make recipes you want to share? cooking inspiration is running low around here so please send them my way. i started reading “The Splendid and the Vile” and i’m really enjoying it and recommend it if you’re looking for something to dig into.  v2ray手机端怎么设置



annie costello brown | designlovefest


bri and i are both big fans of los angeles jewelry designer annie costello brown. i’ve received several pairs of her earrings for birthdays and christmas over the years and i love them. i noticed that all of the styles on need supply are currently on sale. they make a great gift for yourself or someone you love. and surprisingly, they aren’t heavy! they are perfect for a night out or i can wear them all day without pain. here are some favorites. i really love the blue and green ones. i wear a lot of neutrals so they really pop. but the silver and gold is also really timeless and versatile. the earrings above are available here in silver.


Skye drop earrings


Overt drop earrings


Stamped drop earrings

Masha earrings


Overt earrings in cyan




a cozy kitchen cake | designlovefest
 strawberry sheet cake from a cozy kitchen! 

how are you? it’s getting really warm here in los angeles, starting to feel like summer. it has been fun to watch the seasons change while being mostly inside. southern california doesn’t have drastic seasons as it is but, i’ve found it comforting to watch and notices the changes that have happened. the flowers blooming that weren’t there two days ago, trees that are sprouting green. warmer nights, longer days, all signs of time passing. i’ve stopped gauging time as much in minutes, hours and days because they seem to mix together but i like noticing the passing of this period of time, these 6+ weeks that we’ve been inside. and i guess i must be feeling in the summer spirit because i included a round up of strawberry dessert images in this post, nothing says summer like fresh, juicy berries.  – joanie 

what are you making this weekend? i’m going to make another round of homemade pasta because my husband is making linguine with fresh clams, and i can’t wait. he is also making this brisket which might be poorly timed due to the intense heat and the hours of cooking time required but we’re going to go for it. and we’re also making alice waters fried sole (from the art of simple food which is an excellent cookbook). a seafood heavy weekend!

if you’re burning more candles than normal (i definitely am!) v2rayng苹果客户端下载 is a great place to buy, the candles are wonderful and they are a small team who has been hard hit by the closures in NYC. they are offering 15% off with code STAYWELL. i love this trio. 

cake by izzy hossack | designlovefest
 strawberry lemon cake by izzy hossack

my aunt and i were debating the merits of different cookware. i think my #1 go-to is still v2rayng苹果客户端下载 which i basically use daily but i’m planning to add a v2rayng苹果客户端下载 pieces to my collection soon. i love the colors and the price point is reasonable. bri has the dutchess which i’ve cooked with and liked. i also love dansk, i think it’s the most beautiful of them all, i have several pieces but the butter warmer size really gets used a lot.

our friends over at lacausa launched the cutest los angeles sweatshirts and tees. i love v2ray手机端怎么设置.

is it just me or have you been noticing the resurgence of crocs? i like the printed ones, the strawberry is cute and so is this floral.

i’ve been enjoying listening to taryn toomey playlists on spotify. you can look her up and follow. she is the creator of The Class and i like her taste in music.

before the heat wave, i was taking lots of baths in the evening. i love these lavender epsom salts  and  V2rayNG客户端下载


i hope you’re able to relax a bit this weekend! i just started reading, “such a fun age” and i’m excited to dig in. sending you all love!

strawberry tarts | designlovefest


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